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Hurricane Volunteering

UTV Takeover is the most exciting family-friendly UTV event in the country and we couldn’t do it without our amazing army of volunteers! If you would like to join our team, please read all of the details below before submitting your volunteer application.

How do I sign up to volunteer?  

You’re so close! Please keep reading this page, it will lead you to the golden link!  

Who can sign up to volunteer? 

Anyone! If under 18, specify on the application when asked.  

PLEASE NOTE: Volunteers must fill out the application individually. Additional names presented on the application will not be recognized as a volunteer or receive benefits. 

What are the requirements to volunteer?

ALL Volunteers are required to sign up for a minimum of 5 shifts (approx 25 hours) in order to receive a FULL benefit package. (Partial packages are NOT available) 

ALL volunteers MUST complete the application available below.

Volunteers MUST be Ages 16 & up

Volunteer duties may require some physical capabilities so we ask you to please keep this in mind and note any restrictions on your application.

Can I sign up to volunteer for multiple events?  

ABSOLUTELY!! You just need to fill out a form individually for EACH event. Each event has its own signup form below.

What are the benefits of volunteering?

  • FREE Dry Camping Spot
  • FREE General Entry Wristband
  • FREE 2025 UTV Takeover Event T-Shirt
  • FREE Raffle Tickets
  • …and more worth over $200!

How do I redeem my benefits package?

Stay tuned for an email from Jessica explaining how to redeem your benefits! This email will come around 30 days prior to the event.

CAMPING: How did I know you were wondering about our FREE CAMPING option? 

As a volunteer, each of you will have an option to get One Free Dry Camping Spot. Please note that camping spots will not be emailed out until approximately 30 days before the event. If you are on the list then we will guarantee a spot. Volunteer camping areas at our discretion and based on availability/permitting.

All upgraded camping must be purchased separately. I apologize we do not offer any volunteer discounts for camping. 

WRISTBANDS: Man, I must be psychic or something cause how did I know this would be your next question? 

As a volunteer, each of you will receive One Free General Entry Wristband. We do NOT offer extra wristbands for spouses or children. Please note wristbands will not be emailed out until approximately 30 days prior to the event.

All upgraded wristbands must be purchased separately. I apologize we do not offer any volunteer discounts for VIP wristbands. 

Volunteer Roles 

Raffle Table  

Meets at: The Community Tent in Vendor Row
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Being the hub for all event information  
  • Selling Raffle Tickets 
  • Passing our VIP Bags
  • Waiver Binders/Wristbands 
  • Maintaining Main Tent appearance 
  • More…

Vendor Row Management/Vendor Row Activities

Meets at: The Fire Pit in Vendor Row
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Maintaining Vendor Row appearance 
  • Maintaining traffic flow in Vendor Row 
  • Assisting in setting up and scoring of vendor row activities 
  • Emptying garbage cans 
  • More…

Sand Activities

Meets at: The Designated Activity (TBD)
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Assisting with running and setting up the activity  
  • Crowd Control
  • Maintaining the activity areas appearance 
  • More…

Sand capable transportation may be required.

Drag Strip  

Meets at: The Drag Strip on the sand
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Assisting with running the drag races 
  • Maintaining the Drag Strip appearance 
  • More…

Sand capable transportation may be required.

Entry Gates  

Meets at: The specific gate assigned (TBD)
Duties include but are not limited to:  

  • Checking in participants and campers 
  • Selling of Entry Wristbands, Camping Passes, etc.
  • Assisting in directing participants and campers where to go
  • More…

Sand Access 

Meets at: The sand entrance at Horsfall Campground
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Assisting campers to air down before going on the sand 
  • Maintaining traffic flow from the gates to the dozers 
  • More…

Merchandise Tent  

Meets at: The Merch Tent in Vendor Row
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Selling of UTV Takeover Merchandise 
  • Maintaining Merch Tent appearance 
  • Restocking and inventorying merchandise 
  • And more 

Set Up Team (All Areas)

Meet at: The Community Tent in Vendor Row
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Set Up Only (All Areas) 
  • Assisting in setting up UTV Takeover
  • Setting posts for fencing/banners
  • Filling sand buckets
  • Putting up banners
  • Setting up tables
  • More…

Tear Down (All Areas)  

Meet at: The Community Tent in Vendor Row
Duties include but are not limited to: 

  • Tear Down Only (All Areas)
  • Assisting in tearing down UTV Takeover
  • Taking down banners
  • Collapsing Tables
  • Picking up materials
  • Grounds Clean-up
  • More…

Volunteer Schedule 

  • Most shifts are up to 4 hours a day.
  • Shift times can start as early as 8:00 AM and end as late as 11:00 PM.
  • Entry Gate and Sand Access Times may differ!
  • We do ask that our volunteers arrive approximately 15 minutes before their shift for training and shift transitioning.


Coos Bay, Oregon

Event Dates: June 24th – 29th 
Volunteer Dates: June 22nd – 29th

Winchester, Oregon

Event Dates: August 5th – 10th 
Volunteer Dates: August 3rd – 10th

Sand Hollow, Utah  

Event Dates: October 14th – 19th 
Volunteer Dates: October 12th – 19th

Volunteer Apparel Disclaimers 

  • Because we custom order our volunteer t-shirts and hoodies, we are unable to exchange sizes on-site. Our t-shirts are unisex sizes and made from pre-shrunk cotton. 
  • Additionally, we are unable to guarantee one of the custom t-shirts to those who sign up after the deadline.

Can I sign up anytime to volunteer? 

In order to receive your full benefits package, you must sign up before the volunteer deadlines. We may accept late or on-site sign-ups if help is needed. However, any late or on-site sign-ups are NOT guaranteed to receive a full benefits package due to the fact that we custom order our volunteer apparel and there is a limited number of camp spots available. 


Are you signing up before the deadline?  

  • The deadline to sign up for Coos Bay, Oregon is May 1st, 2025
  • The deadline to sign up for Winchester, Oregon is July 1st, 2025
  • The deadline to sign up for Sand Hollow, Utah is September 1st, 2025 

Yes, now can I please sign up? 

If the link is not working please contact Jessica Molner to let her know so she can fix it ASAP! 

Oops, I missed the deadline. What do I do?  

  • Option 1: Contact Jessica to see if there are any openings left for volunteers.  
  • Option 2: Find Jessica on-site at the Community Tent to see if there are any openings for volunteers.  

Any late or onsite sign-ups are NOT guaranteed to receive a full benefits package, due to the fact that we custom order our volunteer apparel and there is a limited number of camp spots available.  

How do I stay up to date about the event and volunteering?  

  • Follow us on Facebook for Event and Volunteer Updates 
  • Once signed up, CHECK YOUR EMAIL for Volunteer Updates 
  • Join our NEW UTV Takeover Volunteer Facebook Groups (OR / UT) for BOTH Event and Volunteer Updates    


Jessica Molner is the Volunteer Coordinator for UTV Takeover. She handles any and all volunteer-related items like volunteer emails, schedules, benefits, questions, and more!  You can reach Jessica anytime at (360) 907-8376 or jessicam@utvtakeover.com   

I’m Ready!

I have read the above Volunteer FAQ Page and now have a thousand questions to ask Jessica! Now, where’s this so-called Golden Link? Click on the location you wish to attend below! If you want to volunteer at multiple events, you must fill out a separate form for each event.

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